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- Community Relations | Nazarene Baptist Chu
Community relations Nazarene has reached out to the community to win souls and make alliances which bless others and build God's kingdom. Evangelism Nazarene has extended invitations to the community to come and receive the Word of God. The church has also gone out to share the gospel and feed the community. Partnering Nazarene has partnered with Rock Hill Ministries and The Corvette Club to assist families in hardship with resources. Alliances Nazarene has formed lasting relationships with the area churches. It is the intent to form connections with more ministries and churches regardless of denomination.
- About Us | Nazarene Baptist Chu
About Us The Nazarene Baptist Church is located in the Webster Groves, MO community (please also see the church's history). This is a Christian church founded on the Word of God. We hold several core beliefs about God, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, Sin, and the Bible. WE BELIEVE: God is our creator. He made us and requires we live aligned with His principles. (Genesis 1:1, Psalms 100:3, Leviticus 19:2) Jesus is God's son. He was sent to die to pay sin's debt. He was crucified, buried, and rose again the third day. (John 3:16-17, 1 Corinthians 15:1-3) The Holy Spirit is our comforter and empowering agent. (John 14:16-17, Acts 1:8; 2:38) All humans are sinners by nature and practice (Romans 3:23; 6:23, 1 John 1:8-10) The Word of God, the Bible, is our guide on belief and behavior. (2 Timothy 3:16-17, 2 Peter 1:20-21) Mission Statement We exist to glorify God through obedience in service, lifestyle, and outreach. Vision Statement The church seeks to be a biblical influence that develops believers, draws unbelievers, and expands the kingdom for Jesus Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit.
- Home | Nazarene Baptist Chu
Welcome to Nazarene Baptist Church Est. 1924 PASTORAL SEARCH The Nazarene Baptist Church is a historical church in in the Webster Groves community. It has only had four pastors since its inception in 1924. The church is prayerfully seeking a bivocational Senior Pastor candidate. The Senior Pastor is the spiritual leader of the church. He must align with the Scriptures as outlined in 1 Timothy 3:1-7. Qualifications : The ideal candidate is called of God to preach the gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Ideal candidates are also responsible to teach from the Word of God in Bible Study. They will be able to administrate church business, facilitate meetings, and delegate responsibility. They must be able to engage in congregational care, and oversee operations. to provide pastoral care in visiting the sick and shut-in as well as provide counseling to the congregants. Some ministerial training preferred. Download application This Spring, 2024, Nazarene will be celebrating 100 years of continued service to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Please see "Calendar Events" section below for details about the celebration events. Sunday morning service 10am Masks are required See calendar events below Welcome to Our Site Nazarene Baptist Church is glad you stopped by. Please feel free to tour our site and become familiar with our fellowship. We are a historical church located in Webster Groves, MO with a goal to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ to the world. He is our Lord and Savior. We serve COmmunion Every First Sunday We welcome all visitors to hear the good news of Jesus Christ. calendar Events March / APril 3/31 Resurrection Sunday Resurrection Sunday is the day we celebrate our Lord and Savior's triumphant rising from the dead. It is a celebratory place in the Scriptures and in the heart of every believer. Please join us as we rejoice in His resurrection. Anniversary The Church's 100th Anniversary It is Anniversary time. Nazarene is 100 years old this year. Each Sunday in April, we will celebrate. on April 7th,14th, and 28th we will be in our sanctuary at 10am. ____________ On April 21st, we will convene at Deer Creek Park, 3200 N. Laclede Station Road Maplewood, MO 63143 at 12 noon for an outdoor service. Happy Birthday Nazarene 1924-2024 Bible Study Weekly Bible Study For 2024, Bible Study is held on Tuesday Evenings @ 6pm CST via Zoom. Every Tuesday but the last Tuesday of the month. Please join us. Meeting ID = 4913390475 Passcode = 123456 Passcode = 123456
- Our Pastor | Nazarene Baptist Chu
Our Pastor Dr. Kory D. Ellis The elders which are among you I exhort, who am also an elder, and a witness of the sufferings of Christ, and also a partaker of the glory that shall be revealed: Feed the flock of God which is among you, taking the oversight thereof, not by constraint, but willingly; not for filthy lucre, but of a ready mind; Neither as being lords over God's heritage, but being examples to the flock. (1 Peter 5:1-3, KJV) Christian journey He was raised in a Christian home. His father served as pastor for more than thirty years. His mother was a songstress and choir director. In the Fall of 1989, Pastor confessed and believed Jesus Christ. He was baptized January 1990. His love for music led him to the choir which he directed and also presided over Young Adult Ministries. Personal Pastor Ellis was born in 1975 and raised in St. Louis, MO. In September 2011, Pastor Ellis married the former Dionne Ellis. (Yes, her maiden and married name are the same.) In September 2019 they welcomed a daughter, Karsyn. Some of Pastor's interests are learning, shopping, and music. He aspires to learn chess and piano. Preaching Ministry Pastor Ellis realized his teaching gift early as he was asked to teach Sunday School, Vacation Bible School, and Bible Study. In the Spring of 2004, he publicly acknowledged his call to preaching. He was licensed and ordained in Clayton Missionary Baptist Church under his father, Rev. Harold C. M. Ellis III. In 2008 he was called to pastor Nazarene Baptist Church. He continued his education earning his Bachelor of Science in Religion in 2015, Master of Divinity in 2021, and earned a Doctorate of Ministry in 2023.
- Our Ministries | Nazarene Baptist Chu
Our Ministries The Word of God teaches believers have been given certain gifts by Jesus to help equip the church. The New Testament talks about equipping the saints for service and about everyone having a place to serve (1 Corinthians 12:12-20, Ephesians 4 11:11-12). Nazarene Baptist Church has ministry offerings which meet these needs. Some ministries help develop faith and understanding in believers. They are open to everyone in hopes of winning unbelievers to Jesus Christ through the teachings. Some are for specific dynamics and subject matters, and others are areas of service. There are still aspirations for future offerings as the need and assistance arise. Bible Study thURSDAYS 6PM o N zoOM This class is for everyone. Since the pandemic this class meets virtually. The class is taught by the pastor and includes topical, series, open discussion, and training formats. The class is an opportunity to grow and develop through the study and examination of God's Word. The class time is also used to train members in different areas of ministry using the dictates of the Bible. Occasionally, pre-pandemic, there were offsite sessions in restaurants which allowed for broader fellowship. Helps Ministry The Helps Ministry is the virtual office of the church. They serve the church by handling the business matters of the church. They work closely with the Finance Team to keep church affairs orderly. Some of their duties include generating correspondence, notifying members of pertinent information, and processing member requests. They are the membership liaison for communication. They can be reached at 314-690-1622 for any inquiries. New Ministry aspirations Prayerfully the church will be able to offer more ministries in the future. As the ministry grows, there can be more room to serve. Development ministry aspirations include: Bible Academy - to afford unbelievers a place to learn Preacher's Workshops - to strengthen the ministers Senior Academy - to address their specific needs Service ministry aspirations include: A/V Ministry - to operate equipment Building Maintenance Teams - to steward the facility Senior Companion Ministry - to assist Seniors Children's Ministry This ministry was erected to allow a space for children 12 and under to be given age-appropriate Bible lessons. It is also a time for discussion and questions. This ministry allows the children to share the experiences and receive Christian guidance. The parents are made aware of any concerning disclosure. The goal is to groom them at their stage and to develop them into a more mature Bible study setting. Children's Ministry met in-person on Wednesday nights at 7pm simultaneous but separate from the Adult Bible Class. We hope to reinstate this ministry as the need arises. Men and Women's Ministry These two ministries respectively utilize time together to search the Scriptures and magnify gender roles in family, marriage, ministry, and parenting. Alongside the Bible, these groups also utilize Christian reads for small groups. These ministries also serve the church by organizing church outings to include movies, museums, and live performances. These ministries has been bridge-builders for visitors who may consider joining the fellowship. Pastoral Offerings Pastor Ellis provides several ministerial offerings. These include counseling for grief, pre-marital and post-marital, personal, and spiritual needs. Congregational care which extends to home, hospital, and treatment centers. Additionally, Pastor Ellis can perform weddings, funerals, and baby blessings. Music Ministry The Music Ministry of the church is instrumental in setting the atmosphere of ministry. They are responsible to rehearse and perfect their renderings as to minister the Word of God through music. They lead the congregants into musical worship and praise throughout the services.
- Church History | Nazarene Baptist Chu
CHurch History The Nazarene Baptist Church was organized on February 24, 1924, by Rev. S. T. Tyler. He was assisted in the organization of the church by several ministers, namely: Rev. W. L. Rhodes, Rev. Lee, Rev. W. M. Catlin, Rev. G. Edwards, Rev. D.A. Willis, Rev. Hanna, Rev. Woodson, and Rev. Anthony. Nazarene Baptist Church, at that time, had only eighteen members, namely: Sis. Campbell, Sis. Clark, Sis. Clayton, Bro. & Sis. Nelson Davis, Sis. Fields, Sis. Nancy Hardy, Mr. & Mrs. McCollins, Mrs. Milton, Rev. & Mrs. Lee Mitchell, Sis. E. Smith, Sis. Maggie Talbort, Sis. Demple Wagner, Bro. & Sis. Dave Wise, and Sis. Woodson. The first deacons were Bro. Dave Wise and Bro. Nelson Davis. The church’s first secretary was Sis. Wise. The church has always been located at 114 Willis Avenue, Webster Groves, MO 63119. As the church began to grow, Mrs. Pearl Wise served as the first pianist and also organized the Sunday School. The first superintendent was Sis. E. Smith. In 1946, Pastor S. T. Tyler was called from labor to reward. The same year Rev. L. R. Goolsby was called to pastor and under his leadership the church increased its membership to a very large number and made many improvements. There was an associate minister named Rev. J. Coates. There were several officers also, including Deacon James Jessup, Deacon Andrew Cummings, Deacon John Ivy, Deacon Booker Collins, Deacon William Trammell, and Deacon Louis Farrington. Bro. Michael Sargent was ordained a deacon under his leadership. Deacon Sargent later accepted his calling into the preaching ministry and was ordained an Elder in the Church of God in Christ. Trustees at that time were Bro. Judas Bell and Bro. Nelson Taylor. In 1985, after thirty-nine years, Rev. Goolsby retired from the pastorate of the Nazarene Baptist Church. Following Pastor Goolsby’s retirement, in 1985, Rev. Andrew Boyce was called as the third pastor of the Nazarene Baptist Church. Under his leadership, the church increased its membership, and many achievements were made. The church building was remodeled inside and out. The remodeling included updated restrooms, pastor’s study, choir room and loft, carpeting, ceiling fan, Hammond organ, and new piano. The lower level was remodeled to include an updated kitchen area, two new stoves, a new gas furnace, and air conditioning. Additional improvements were the blacktop on the parking lot and liners added around the church. Rev. Kenny Wade was an associate minister during this term. On June 22, 2008, Pastor Boyce retired from the Nazarene Baptist Church after twenty-three years. On August 22, 2008, Nazarene welcomed its fourth pastor, Rev. Kory D. Ellis. He was installed on Sunday, December 7, 2008. Since his arrival, there have been several members to reinstate their church memberships and new converts, which initiated numerous baptisms. Pastor Ellis has also been instrumental in forming the new membership class, Bible study - both on and off-site, the children’s period, leadership training, and the men and women’s fellowship ministries. During his term, the church has also had the opportunity to travel together including a trip to the National Civil Rights Museum in Memphis, TN. Fellowship efforts have also included visits to the movies, Missouri Botanical Garden, and Edison Theater at Washington University. Pastor Ellis led Nazarene to participate in a combined effort to produce a four-church revival. New fellowships with area churches have been established. During his pastorate, the church has also purchased new communion ware, removed trees from the property, installed new front steps, and replaced a damaged roof. He also orchestrated an effort for the men of the church to help remodel the baptismal pool. In November 2013, the church basement update was completed to include new paint, carpeting, tables, and chairs. The sanctuary was updated with new stained-glass windows. The restrooms and vestibule were completely remodeled in the Fall of 2014 to include new fixtures, doors, floors, and paint; they are now wheelchair accessible. A new church sign and lighting have also been added to the property. There have been evangelistic efforts including an on-site event including games and food in the Spring of 2016 and a service in the Fall of 2019 at Deer Creek Park. During the pandemic, Nazarene maintained a social media presence and continued to broadcast until the fellowship resumed in-person service in August of 2021. In 2022, Nazarene changed its Sunday Morning Worship start time from 11:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m., resumed a virtual Bible Study, and also adopted new official mission and vision statements. The mission is the means and the vision is the goal. Mission Statement: We exist to glorify God through obedience in service, lifestyle, and outreach. Vision Statement: The church seeks to be a biblical influence that develops believers, draws unbelievers, and expands the kingdom for Jesus Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit.
- 404 | Nazarene Baptist Chu
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